Get to know Sam and His Inclusion Needs (Transgender Male, LGBTQI+, Religious Minority)

Sam is a self proclaimed foodie, try anything once, married, outspoken, transgender, psychiatric technician. Known by many as kind, loving, smart, talented, and ambitious; Sam identifies as belonging to the LGBTQI+ community and a religious minority. Sam’s superpower is authenticity, which has shone through even in times of adversity enabling him to heal from trauma and work toward achieving his dreams.

Summary: The video is an interview with Sam, a self-proclaimed foodie, married transgender psychiatric technician who identifies as part of the LGBTQIA+ and religious minority communities. Sam shares his life experiences, focusing on the challenges he has faced in the workplace due to his diverse identities. He discusses the importance of creating more meaningful connections and dialogues in the workplace, rather than just having “meaningless meetings.” Sam also talks about the need for organizations to be more proactive in changing systems and processes to be more inclusive of transgender and other underrepresented individuals. He emphasizes the importance of having leaders and decision-makers with lived experiences of diversity and inclusion to drive real change.


0:08 Sam is a self-proclaimed foodie, married, transgender psychiatric technician who identifies as part of the LGBTQIA+ and religious minority communities.


1:04 Sam’s superpower is authenticity, which has helped him deal with trauma and work towards achieving his dreams.


3:52 Sam has had to build his own “table” because not everyone wants him at theirs, and he has faced a lot of adversity and challenges in the workplace.


4:25 Sam was part of creating a diversity and inclusion training program after being misgendered during a medical appointment.


6:45 Sam suggests that organizations should have more meaningful conversations and get to know their employees, rather than just doing “meaningless” diversity trainings.


9:32 Sam believes the systems and processes in organizations need to change to be more inclusive of transgender and other underrepresented individuals.


11:02 Sam suggests starting with leadership to drive change, as many people in leadership positions are not educated about LGBTQIA+ or other diverse identities.


17:52 Sam has faced derogatory language and discrimination due to his identities, but he chooses to see it as a reflection of the other person’s issues, not his own.


26:42 Sam recommends having gender-neutral bathrooms or designated bathrooms for transgender individuals to create more inclusive spaces.


29:53 Sam shares his experience of feeling excluded from traditional religious spaces due to his transgender identity, but he has found a welcoming church community.


32:38 Sam’s top tips for inclusion are: having more meaningful conversations, and asking how to get things right when interacting with diverse individuals.


Picture every employee having 24/7 access to practical steps to be inclusive in what they are doing, when and where they are doing it, in any language.


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