Get to know Carlos and His Inclusion Needs (Linguistic minority, disability, permanent injury, immigrant, ethnic minority)

Carlos is a trustworthy, fun loving, linguistic minority, sometimes distracted, father and employment specialist. Assisting newcomers to Canada to establish their career in Canada, Carlos has a permanent injury and physical disability. Oh, and Carlos’s least favorite food is fish – perhaps that has something to do with him once being attacked by a shark!

Summary: Carlos, a linguistic minority, disability, permanent injury, immigrant, and ethnic minority, shares his experiences of overcoming challenges, embracing his identity, and supporting newcomers in Canada.


Key moments:


00:02 The show ‘Include with Dr. Liz’ focuses on diverse lived experiences, identities, and inclusion, aiming to create a world where everyone thrives. Dr. Liz interviews guests to understand their inclusion needs and promote understanding and inclusion.

– Carlos shares his experience of surviving a shark attack at 15, resulting in a permanent physical disability, highlighting the impact on his life and journey towards acceptance.

– Carlos discusses his identities including being a linguistic minority, having a physical disability, and dealing with a permanent injury, all connected to losing his left foot in the shark attack.

– The conversation delves into Carlos’s emotional journey of coming to terms with his disability, feeling shy and ashamed initially, and gradually becoming more comfortable with his prosthetic limb.


05:09 Moving from Brazil to Canada provided a safer environment for the speaker’s family, despite challenges of being away from familiar things. The transition led to a career shift from marketing and tourism to employment services.

– Reasons for moving from Brazil to Canada due to social disparities and urban violence, seeking a safer environment for family.

– Challenges faced in Canada included language barriers and adapting to a new work environment, leading to a career shift towards employment services.


10:10 Helping newcomers in Canada establish their careers is easier when supported by someone who understands their challenges and can provide guidance based on shared experiences.

– Challenges faced by newcomers in Canada include language barriers, lack of local network, and international credential issues, making it important for them to receive support and guidance from those who can relate to their experiences.

– Providing practical advice and sharing professional experiences can greatly benefit newcomers in Canada, helping them navigate the job market and build confidence in their career pursuits.

– Offering constructive feedback with kindness and compassion when correcting language errors can help newcomers improve their English skills and feel more supported in their journey of settling in a new country.


15:14 Adapting to a new culture can be challenging due to differences in social norms, like workplace interactions, but embracing diversity and being open to new experiences can lead to meaningful connections and a sense of belonging.

– The importance of socialization in the workplace for creating connections and friendships in a new culture, like Canada, where people are friendly but may not extend invitations outside of work.

– Embracing diversity and sharing experiences with colleagues from different backgrounds can lead to a rich exchange of perspectives and a sense of inclusivity in a diverse work environment.

– Navigating visible disabilities, like prosthetic limbs, involves handling curiosity with openness while respecting personal boundaries, fostering understanding and connection among individuals with similar experiences.


20:18 Having a positive mindset about prosthetic limbs and not caring about others’ opinions can lead to a more fulfilling life experience. Mentoring and sharing experiences with others, regardless of identity, can be empowering and valuable.

– Embracing one’s uniqueness and not worrying about judgment can enhance personal experiences and mindset towards prosthetic limbs.

– The importance of mentorship and sharing experiences to empower and support individuals, regardless of their background or identity.


25:22 Having a diverse environment with individuals from different backgrounds, including immigrants and those with disabilities, fosters inclusivity and creates a welcoming atmosphere where language barriers are not seen as obstacles but opportunities for connection and growth.

– Emphasizing the importance of being mentors to newcomers, immigrants, and individuals seeking advice, promoting inclusivity and creating a supportive environment for all.

– Encouraging people to be open to getting to know others, seizing opportunities for connection beyond familiar circles, and expanding networks to enhance understanding and diversity.


Picture every employee having 24/7 access to practical steps to be inclusive in what they are doing, when and where they are doing it, in any language.


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