Get to know Dr. Amber and Her Inclusion Needs (Racial, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious minority, immigrant)

Amber is a hardworking, honest, strong headed, dancing every day, assistant professor of medicine. Identifying as an ethnic, racial, cultural, linguistic, and religious minority; Amber describes herself as a weird mix of cold and deep, and is passionate about physician wellbeing.

Summary: Dr. Amber, a minority immigrant professor, shares her experiences of cultural differences, language barriers, and challenges in the medical field, emphasizing the importance of understanding and embracing diversity for better patient outcomes.


00:45 Dr. Amber describes her identity as a mix of cold and deep, finding deeper connections with colleagues at work due to challenges breaking perceptions at home, showcasing the complexity of human interactions.
-Dr. Amber discusses her struggle with being perceived as distant and cold, yet craving human connection, leading to deeper relationships at work than at home.
-Dr. Amber explains the challenge of breaking established perceptions at home, making it easier to connect with new people who do not have preconceived notions about her.
-Dr. Amber shares her diverse identities as a female, ethnic, racial, cultural, linguistic, and religious minority, highlighting the complexity of her background.


05:05 Moving to a new country can pose challenges in language translation and cultural differences, impacting communication and understanding. It can be difficult to maintain religious practices and values while navigating societal norms and expectations.
-Challenges of language translation and communication in a new country, especially when using sign language and feeling less articulate.
-The importance of openly communicating to overcome language barriers and misunderstandings when interacting with individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
-Struggles faced by religious minorities in adapting to new cultural norms and practices, including explaining and maintaining religious beliefs and values.


10:10 Fasting during religious holidays can be challenging, impacting work and daily routines, requiring strategies like announcing fasting to colleagues and finding alternatives like caffeine supplements.
-The impact of fasting on work routines and the challenge of abstaining from caffeine during religious holidays.
-Strategies to navigate fasting at work, such as using slow-release caffeine capsules and dealing with cravings for snacks.
-Addressing the importance of communication with colleagues about fasting to avoid misunderstandings and cultural differences.


15:14 Immigrant doctors face barriers in the US medical system due to factors like where they did their residency and med school, making it challenging to pursue competitive specializations, requiring sacrifices and compromises.
-Challenges in accessing opportunities and promotions as a minority within the US medical system, with differences in pathways for international medical graduates compared to American medical graduates.
-The difficulty immigrant doctors face in matching into residency programs and pursuing competitive specializations like Dermatology or Cardiology due to the rigorous requirements and competition.
-The lack of recognition and value for the skills and experience immigrant doctors bring, leading to challenges in the application process and the need for support to thrive in their medical careers in the US.


20:18 Valuing diversity and understanding individuals’ differences can significantly impact health outcomes. Feeling understood is crucial for patient compliance and benefitting from healthcare.
-Creating a safe environment where individuals can be themselves fosters acceptance and psychological safety, enhancing collaboration and innovation in the workplace.
-Leadership promoting authenticity and diversity encourages a culture where individuals feel empowered to share their opinions and perspectives, leading to a more inclusive and productive environment.


25:20 Physicians can enhance their well-being through reflective practices and sharing inner processes, creating a supportive community. Bringing joy to work amplifies authenticity and fosters a space for others to rejoice in their authentic selves.
-Reflective practices and questioning assumptions improve physician well-being, fostering self-awareness and growth.
-Building a supportive community where inner thoughts can be shared promotes mental well-being and emotional health among physicians.
-Bringing joy to work enhances authenticity and creates a positive environment for colleagues and patients to express their true selves.


Picture every employee having 24/7 access to practical steps to be inclusive in what they are doing, when and where they are doing it, in any language.


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